Thursday, December 15, 2011

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Saturday, November 26, 2011


No turkey, stuffing, green bean casserole... Just nachos and booze. Oh and we saw Platteland! Greatest musical ever!

Monday, November 21, 2011

From Australia

"Rice seaweed and tofu with broccoli plus other vegetables and deep fried satay tempe stuff."- this was sent in by my girlfriend, Marion. Yum she eats really well. Soon ill be there munching on good food!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Nicoles lunch nov17.jpg

"its a toasted sandwich with turkey, citrus aioli, feta cheese, garlic, and watercress. cauliflower and cucumbers are marinated in oil, vinegar, and pepper." I love when people send me photos of what they eat. This one is from mu friend Nicole in Chicago!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Wild Bird tastes...

Good, the boys came back from herding the donkeys. One of them was caring some little animal. Turned out it was a bird. He removed all of the feathers, head and some of the innards. They pan roasted it in a spot of oil on the stove and boom-wham-bam they had a snack before dinner. I guess it beats out a p n b.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


"what i ate for lunch today during our book club meeting: a pita filled with caprese salad, and chicken. on a totally 90's plate." 

From my friend nicole... All the way in chicago! What a gal. :)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My Girlfriends food.

My Girlfriend's food

My girlfriend is a wonderful cook. She is also a vegetarian. Her meals are always brightly colored ( she spells colored , coloured, or something. Australians go figure.) in comparison you can see that she has access to vegetables and a full kitchen. Lucky. The people in my village either have to grow their own veggies or travel 40 KM to get anything even remotely fresh. I'm going to keep posting what she is cooking.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

New Low

Two packs of ramen and canned fish. Elegant.


Pungent... Yet satisfying. I had the goat biltong... The one from the rafters... It smelled and tasted like putrid meat.... It was amazing. Err. Tolerable?.... Err an acquired taste. The kids liked it!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Easy Peanut Sauce and Pasta.

Handful of wheat pasta.
A table spoon of peanut butter
Tsp of sunflower oil
Two packets of soy sauce
A hint if coriander.

Cook pasta for 7 minutes . Add said ingredients and melt together. Enjoy

Friday, October 7, 2011

What the %&#* is in the rafters?!

I was on my way to my shopping town , when I was swooped up by one of my teachers and her husband. She kept saying that I was going to see the beast in the garage... She also made a wide eyed lunging move to accentuate this. Well I got there and there was a flipping dead goat in the rafters. They also gave me a beer which I downed merrily ... All before 9 am! Go me!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Saturday, September 17, 2011

I can't refuse food.

I wasn't planning on eating much tonight. Maybe some nuts and fruit but instead my host family presented me with mala (chicken intestines) and bogobe. Usually I don't really like chicken intestines, but imagine achhese like taste with a ultra meaty texture...sort of like eating the hard part of the cheese.... Except tasty? Either way I will never turn down a chance to eat with the family.

Bread, salt, pepper, and cayenne

I injured my back so I'm watching my intake. I eat apples, nuts, and bananas like its my job.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Still the greatest open faced sandwich.

I've started eating bread again. Not any ordinary bread but some heavy whole grain bread. A nice ripe avocado and some veggie atchar. Yum , what a good way to start the day. Perk up!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Savory Oats ... Made with Sardines in BBQ sauce.

So I've been on an no "processed foods" food plan. Oops. I do eat oatmeal. A great way to start off the day. A little fruit , some tea and my oats, great way to start my day. Well one lunch I got super hungry, so I decided to whip up an easy savory oatmeal.

Savory oatmeal

3/4ths cup of oats.
1 cup of water
1 small avocado
2 tomatoes ( use cherry tomatoes if you have them)
1 can of sardines ( I made the mistake of not looking at the tin and bought sardines in BBC sauce. It was delicious !)
Pinch of salt and pepper
A sprinkle of cayenne pepper .

I pour hot water over my oats and let them sit for 10 minutes. Then I add the rest of my ingredients . Enjoy. The result will be a creamy, tasty, healthy meal. Again... Enjoy.

Monday, August 8, 2011

5 rand - $0.60 cents

Do you see how healthy one can eat for so little?

Imagine if we all grew what we needed to eat and traded to get things that were essential?

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Tomato-Cabbage-onion-garlic soup. Budget. No processed carbs.

I had half of a head of cabbage that I split with a friend. I cooked up a fourth of mine and cooked the remaining three-fourths today. It was really really easy and the end result was absolutely delicious. Now I'm not blazing any paths but I am living in a rural setting... On less than $100 a month. Budget budget budget.

Cook time: 15 minutes to steam the cabbage , tomatoes, and onion. 30 minutes on simmer to reduce the water content.

Ingredients :
Soup serves 1.
Cabbage mixture serves 4 as a side dish.

1/4 of a head of cabbage
2 tomatoes
2 garlic cloves
1 small onion
2 tbs of sunflower oil
1 1/2 cup of water

For the spices I just added and tasted. Salt and paper added last
1 tsp Cayenne pepper
1/2 tbs of curry powder
2 tbs of gaaram masala
1 tbs of fine jeera ( cumin )
1tsp of tumeric

These are all suggestive I recommend eyeing what you put in.

Cut up tomatoes, onion, cabbage, and garlic. Throw into a pot with some oil and 1 cup of water. Let steam for 15 mins on high heat. Watch it and turn down heat if it gets to hot. Mix in spices and add the rest of water. Stir put a lid on it and check on it over the course of the half an hour. I drained the soup and put the cabbage mixture away to eat tomorrow as a side dish. Tasty and nutritious .

Saturday, August 6, 2011

New leaf. No more eish food.

I now stay away from most processed grains. No bread, pasta, rice, or porridge. My first week proved to be quite a challenge. I work at two schools one school buys me lunch. Mainly pap and meat and some salads, usually beetroot, potatoes and cabbage. Well I said no more Bogobe looks of complete bewilderment and questions if why? I explained u wanted to feel healthy again so I was giving up breads and other named items for just meat and veggies. I'm one week in for a month long experiment... And I feel great! Below was one of ny last bread meals and some other goodies.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

She cooks.

I've been with my girlfriend for over a year. She is dedicated to the cause and even crosses oceans to see her boyfriend. Besides the good company I must say my favorite thing is her cooking. We've made beetroot pasta, dhal, chapatis ...and loads of dirty dishes.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Holy Cow

No meat. Indian atchar , roti and Indian lentils. I almost died it was so tasty. I share with Jonny, he shares with me. Perfect . I was invited to a dinner at a friend in Polokwane's house. I will hopefully be taking lots of photos of what ever delicious food comes my way.

No matter what I eat I find that the simple avocado sandwich is a good way to start and finish a day.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Food .

Food and memories: we had friends from around the country come and visit. I made chicken and rice, grilled cheese and tomato and Wurst Sandwiches. I also changed a whole bunch of coins that I had found in the street over the past few months.

Nachos with pizza sauce and Dorito chips are meh.