Monday, July 4, 2011

Return of the Goat!

Pudi has made its return. We had this super mischievous little brown goat. He got into everything; the garden, the donkey pen... The main courtyard. Needless to say his days were numbered. In South Africa winter break takes place at the end of June. The next few weeks are usually a time for all of the kids to return from boarding school. Well we had about 8 people at the house ... So a goat had to go. I didn't take part in the slaughter of this one but I'm sure it was an event. I like our animals but I am cautious about getting attached for the exact reason that they may be on my plate one day.

For the most part I am vegetarian in the village.... Opportunist ? What ever comes my way. Meat is a luxury and a much needed protein source.


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