Sunday, October 7, 2012

Tea and biscuits

Hanging at my friend Moredi's shop , sipping some tea and eating some biscuits.
For as bat shit crazy as this place is, I will always value the calm moments.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Friday, September 21, 2012

Am I in america? Cinnabon? Some chocolate thing??? Nope I'm just a mall rat.

Side note best pie ever! Chicken tikka pie... $1.50.

I'm almost done with south africa. Like three weeks. Wowzer. This is what you will be eating from sheep brains to meals at 5 star restaurants. Enjoy it.

Jam jar... 3 dollars.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

I usually write about food...

But we put a new door on my house
.. A wood door.

Two guys

Tools....power tools....

And it took us 5 hours..... I kid you not....

We had to cut the door down for it to fit into the frame.


I usually write about food

But we put a new door on my house
.. A wood door.

Two guys

Tools....power tools....

And it took us 5 hours..... I kid you not....

We had to cut the door down for it to fit into the frame.


Monday, September 10, 2012


Main: Mince, cheese, beans, pumpkin, beetroot, bogobe.

Dessert: sponge cake, strawberries, and custard.


Sunday, August 26, 2012

Water and pap... Yuck.

I've had it with sour milk... Which is good. But with water straight?... Ew.

Sunday, August 19, 2012


There is something so great about throwing a bunch of veggies and some tofu in a pot. Happy COS D n T!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Homemade Mac n cheese

Ill tell you how it tastes.

I'm going to guess it involves a rue with milk cheese flour and salt.

Looks gooooood.


Her version of pap and morogo

Their pap is a little more wet and the morogo a little more milky. Still tasty.


Asian esq

Stirfry ? I think so.

From Mozambique

Potato soup

She said it was a little salty.
From Mozambique . She cooks it all her self.

Pasta meal from Mozambique

Via my girlfriend. We volunteer for _________ she is in Mozambique - I'm in South Africa.,

She is an amazing cook so the next few posts are from her.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Thank you meal.

I had a little shindig at school- so I fed my friends. paz. Chicken, numerous salads and rice! Good friends and food. Props to my cook!


Mabane bosego ke jele nama dikgogo Le mabela Le soupa.

A little wager....

I don't like being wrong at work. So when one of the printers "wasn't working" for a teacher- I said "if this works you are making me lunch". Well it worked.

A half of a chicken a day....

I wonder how many chickens I've eaten here. R35 (/8.5= $4.12) for all that you see. Damn I eat well.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Some weird thing from spar

Sounds gross... It was but I still ate it!

pilchards(larger sardines)
Small sausages

With a grilled cheese!

I smelled like fish for hours.

Eggplant lasagna

No noodles here. Just veggies and meat!

Tasty eggs

Eggs with parsley, basil, feta, black pepper, and red onions.


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Circuit help

I've been doing site evaluations with the circuit. Basically I go around - find what I don't like about what I'm looking at, write a report and make a beautiful scrapbook. (5th grade level scrapbook)

Best part? They kill a chicken every time I come. Mmmmm meat and pap! I love the way they look at me as I devour plate after plate.


Cottage cheese. Baugette. Tomatoes. Done. The second one had Brussel sprouts on it. Mmmmm


Mmmmmmonseiur . So yummy. From a cute little french bakery in nelspruit. I've been craving one for a while.

Greens and rice

So tasty looking. I want some, to bad its in Mozambique.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

My life line



Beef stew and mabela yum!

Chicken anyone

Half chicken 35 Rand ... The other half chicken provided by my vice principal. I ate the pap too.

Late night meat platter

Best late night food. ever.


Milkless fritatta. Needs a little work. Good hasbrowns though.

Dinner club pt.2

Homemade pumpkin wheat ravioli (we made that pasta) with store bought, spruced up meatballs.

Dinner club

Anchovies,tomatoes, red onions, and basil with feta on the side. With fat bastard on the side. Mmm

South African

I got bored at the mall and had carbs and spoiled milk.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Friday, May 4, 2012

My dinner.

I caved and hired someone to cook me two meals a day. It is a wonderful set up. I buy the food and help her with a business plan . I promised her , "you will eat well." we eat the rainbow.


A yummy fritata with spinach , mushroom, egg, bread,cheddar cheese and pan fried potatoes. My fantastic food loving friend bought a new pan, so we had to break in. Lucky us. Mmmmm