Wednesday, October 26, 2011

New Low

Two packs of ramen and canned fish. Elegant.


Pungent... Yet satisfying. I had the goat biltong... The one from the rafters... It smelled and tasted like putrid meat.... It was amazing. Err. Tolerable?.... Err an acquired taste. The kids liked it!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Easy Peanut Sauce and Pasta.

Handful of wheat pasta.
A table spoon of peanut butter
Tsp of sunflower oil
Two packets of soy sauce
A hint if coriander.

Cook pasta for 7 minutes . Add said ingredients and melt together. Enjoy

Friday, October 7, 2011

What the %&#* is in the rafters?!

I was on my way to my shopping town , when I was swooped up by one of my teachers and her husband. She kept saying that I was going to see the beast in the garage... She also made a wide eyed lunging move to accentuate this. Well I got there and there was a flipping dead goat in the rafters. They also gave me a beer which I downed merrily ... All before 9 am! Go me!